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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Chances are that many of your running partners are wondering the same thing. Please check the list below and see if you can find the information that you seek. If you don’t see the information below, please contact the MCC Coaching Team with your question.
Can You Please Give Me More Information About the Training Program?
Our training program begins in May. We meet every Saturday (8AM in May & October and 7AM from June-September). The schedule and locations are posted at MCC Training Schedule. We have runners who range from 8:00 a mile up to 14+ minutes per miles, so I am sure that we can accommodate you. We usually have about 20 to 30 runners at any given training run. We run, have refreshments afterwards and occasionally will have seminars on various topics including nutrition, hydration, equipment, injury prevention, etc. Our coaches are available at each training run to provide advice and assistance. The coaches are available on-line as well to answer questions or provide training guidance.
Should I take over the counter pain medications?
It is important to understand what these drugs actually do in the body and if they are suitable for athletes to add to their training and competition programs. See the advice from Runner’s World.
Can I continue to participate in other sports while I training for the marathon?
Yes, but not all sports are created equal. Low impact activities (swimming, biking, walking) are preferable to higher impact sports (tennis, basketball, soccer could go either way). The recommended answer is yes as long as you are able to complete the weekly minimum mileage as listed on the MCP Minimum Marathon Training Plan.
How far should I run during the week?
At the beginning, the coach’s preference is that you just get out the door several times a week so that you make training a part of your schedule. A twenty minute run is good – by the end of the program you’ll run 5 to 7 miles/ run during the week. Your pace should be a little more intense than Saturday on one day and less so on another days.
I have the desire and motivation to get up and run, but I just kind of stop when I get tired. How hard should I push? How many miles should I be running a week?
You should be running a few miles for each run during the week. You will want to slowly increase those runs so that you are at 5 to 7 miles for each weekly run by the time your mileage peaks in September. I suggest that you get off the boring treadmill and find interesting trails or paths to run. Don’t worry about your pace for now, as long as you can remain consistent at a pace as we continue to add mileage. Increases in speed usually come in steps. I suggest that you challenge yourself to run faster on days when you feel really good. As you gain fitness, you will be surprised how your body will respond. A big part of the faster pace and longer distances is mental. Once you convince yourself you can do it, you will be surprised what you can accomplish.
How Fast Should I Run My First Marathon?
If you do it right, you will train diligently, eat right, and get plenty of sleep. However, many first-time marathoners will make a simple mistake that can dramatically affect your first marathon experience, going out too fast! After weeks of tapering, days or carbo-loading, your body is well rested, healed and you are seething with adrenaline at the start line. It is a cool morning and you decide to change your carefully devised plan and go out faster than your normal training pace. Because you are so well rested, the pace feels great and you are so proud of yourself for being in the best shape of your life. The initial miles are a breeze and you throw caution to the wind and keep going at the faster pace. Somewhere between mile 10 and the half-marathon point, you start to feel tired, but that’s OK because you are in the best shape of your life. By mile 15 you aren’t too sure that that faster pace was such a good idea, but you only have 11 miles to go. ELEVEN MILES!!! As you proceed through the upper teen miles, you start to grind down further. By mile 20, you are getting very tired and you start to loose that mental strength that you had at the start, especially while you are being passed by those runners who smartly held back at the start. You will probably hold on and finish the race. However, you will most likely be totally wiped out and too tired to enjoy the celebration of your awesome accomplishment.
As a veteran of 100 marathons, please entertain my alternative proposal. Let me propose a much better strategy that will allow you not only to finish strong, but also to have lots of energy and adrenaline to celebrate in earnest at the finish. You should definitely do it right and train diligently, eat right, and get plenty of sleep. At the start, keep your cool and enjoy the excitement and start at your normal training pace. It will feel too slow and you will be worried that you will run much slower than you are able, don’t worry about it. Enjoy the sights, sounds and antics of your fellow runners and keep to your well devised plan to run at your normal training pace through mile 20. Yes, mile 20. That is probably the farthest you have run in preparation so the last six miles are new territory. You want to be well prepared to endure this new challenge. It is a virtually guarantee that if you run the same pace from the first to the 26th mile that you will pass runners throughout the last half of the race. So instead of draining your mental energy as runners pass you, you will be passing other runners and gaining their energy.
Please take it from a veteran that has crawled across the finish line of many marathons, the latter strategy is awesome, the former is awful.  It’s your choice; please choose wisely.
How Do I Get Started with a Running Program?
First, see your doctor and obtain medical clearance from him/her before starting any regular exercise program. Once you are cleared by your doctor, go to a Running Specialty Store and purchase a good pair of running shoes and several comfortable pairs of socks. The specialty store personnel can help you purchase the right shoes. Start by going one mile either walking, running or a combination. Once you can go one mile, proceed to two and then three. I suggest doing this three times per week. Once you can run/jog a full three miles three times a week for four straight weeks, then contact our Coaching Coordinator and he will give you instructions on how to proceed to the next level.
I am a new runner and I have a nagging pain. Should I stop running?
Both periodic pain and worry about injury are all part of the sport of running.  If you are a new runner or even new athlete, you will be experiencing aches and pains that may well move around as you progress. If the pain is tolerable, does not throw off your stride, goes away or lessens after warm-up, and/or fades after a run, then you are probably OK. If the pain is sharp, throws off your stride, does not subside after a day or so of rest, or worsens the longer that you run, it may require some form of correction.
Running is a mental sport and we all question pain and how we should react to it. Coach Nick uses the axiom, “if it doesn’t inhibit function, then it isn’t that bad”. That said; we all need to determine the line between pain of soreness and pain of injury. Only you can tell the difference (no doctor or therapist can feel what you feel). The more attuned to your body you become as you gain more running and athletic experience, the better that you will be able to determine whether it is soreness or injury.
If you can complete the prescribed distances without significant pain, I suggest that you stay attuned to your body but don’t over think it.  When in doubt, ask one of the coaches about more specific advice.
Can I run during my period/ menstrual cycle?
Yes, like doing most normal activities, you should be able to run during your menstrual cycle. When running during your period, you can use tampons and/or sanitary napkins. Choose a highly absorbent and ultra-thin sanitary napkin. Carry an extra one during long runs. Apply plenty of vaseline in areas where you might experience chafing from the sanitary napkin.
If you usually have painful periods, consider taking a pain medicine that works for you 30 minutes before the run irrespective of symptoms. All pain medicine should be taken after eating something- half a banana or a toast. Carry extra pain meds when running. (Note: Pain medication should be taken judiciously. Check out this Runners’ World article on the dangers of taking pain medication in excess.)
It is recommended that you get your hemoglobin level checked during a physical exam early in the training. For best performance the hemoglobin should be above 12.  It is recommended that all menstruating females take a multivitamin with iron and calcium like ’Women’s One-A-Day’.
If you just don’t/can’t run during your period, consider how you will deal with it during a race. You may want to consult your doctor about medication to help you skip your menstrual cycle around races. Talk to your doctor early so that you know your options — some medications may require some time to kick in and be effective for race day.